

Bee Pollen is one of my favourite daily add-ups to my smoothies and salads. I have just brought quite a large bag of it from Russia, where I always buy it from local beekeepers. But of course you can find it here, usually in good health shops and online as well. 
What is exactly Bee Pollen, and what is great about it? Let’s have a look! 
Did you know that bee pollen contains almost all of the nutrients your body needs to thrive?
Bee pollen is the male seed of a flower blossom which are collected by the honey bees and mixed with the bees’ digestive enzymes. Raved by many scientists as a complete nutrition, a super nutritious, perfect food, these tiny pollens contain almost all the nutrients required by the human body and are enormously rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, beneficial fatty acids, carotenoids, and bioflavonoids which are anti-viral, antibacterial and helpful in lowering cholesterol, stabilising and strengthening capillaries. Pollen is the only plant source that contains the exclusive vitamin B12.
Fresh pollens contain a wide spectrum of at least 20 amino acids which are the building blocks of protein needed to build every cell in the body, from blood cell to the cells in the skin, organs and bones. There are also more than 100 active enzymes present in fresh and unheated pollens. Eating foods that contain enzymes helps the body prevent and fight diseases such as cancer and arthritis and saves the body from having to make enzymes, a process that depletes energy.

Here are some of the benefits of Bee Pollen
  • Bee Pollen reduces inflammation. Many types of research show that bee pollen acts as an anti-inflammatory and is quite helpful in reducing the toxicities from one’s body. 
  • It is an antioxidant. As mentioned earlier, bee pollen acts as an anti-inflammatory drug and flushes out all the toxicities from the body, making it the best antioxidant of all times.
  • They help in boosting the development of immune system. Known to be an allergy fighter, Honeybee Pollen has various antimicrobial or antiviral properties, which help in protecting the body from diseases and makes it immune system much stronger.
  • They help in alleviating the menopause symptoms. Scientific studies have shown that bee pollen is helpful in treating menopausal symptoms and prevention of breast cancer.
  • Helps relieve stress. Because of bee pollen’s nutritional and tonic properties, it improves blood supply to nervous tissue, boosting mental capacity and strengthening the nervous system that may be weakened by stress. That makes it one of the most effective natural stress relievers. It may be particularly useful for people with a lack of energy, especially the elderly. Even small doses of bee pollen over an extended period of time can improve mood and physical endurance.
  • It is also used as a dietary supplement. Studies suggest that bee pollen has a high nutritional value and works as a supplement for animals with nutritional deficiencies. Researchers suggest that it can be helpful when given to children who have a lack of appetite or experience a developmental delay. It may also help malnourished children and adults, especially before and after surgery, when recovering from an addiction to alcohol, or when they’re under physical or mental stress. 
  • and to shield against liver toxicity. Bee pollen also promotes healing.
How to Use Bee Pollen
High-quality, fresh pollen granules can be eaten direct. I always add them to the smoothies, sometimes to salads. The taste of pollen varies depending on the flower and nectar source it comes from. Some pollen has a slightly sweet and nut-like flavour, while some pollen tastes more bitter. You can also choose to mix the granules with any food you like. However, eating it raw is best, never cook it or add it to boiling water or food that requires heating. Heat destroys the live enzymes in the pollen and lowers its nutritional value. Blend it together with fruits in a delicious smoothie for yourself and your children who would require all the essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins to grow strong and healthy.
Recommendations on Dosage and Allergy Caution
For adults, take 1-2 teaspoons daily and for children, half to a teaspoon daily, at any time of the day. You can increase the amount to consume as you go along and watch your body’s response to it. 
Bee pollen is not the same as allergy causing pollen in the air. It rarely cause allergy symptoms. However, if you have a concern about developing an allergic reaction, you may want to start with placing just a tiny bit of pollen (a granule or two) under your tongue and watch if there are any side effects such as itchy throat, tearing eyes, headache. The amount can be gradually increased over time after having assured that the consumption is safe.
Bee Pollen can actually reduce the symptoms of allergies and hay fever. Although very few people experience adverse side effects from bee pollen, those who do can have a severe allergic reaction. People who are allergic to bee stings should also avoid bee pollen. If you think that you may have an allergy to bee pollen, you should be tested for an allergic reaction before using products containing bee pollen. Anaphylactic reactions occur but extremely rarely. 
2021-07-13 11:49